Thursday, May 1

The wonderful land of blog

Find me here today: The Crafty Crow and The Recipe Box Swap.
Cassi at The Crafty Crow has featured our puppet theater today. If you haven't looked through her site, you should. Her blog is dedicated to children's crafts and activities, and she posts multiple ideas from various bloggers every day. It's a great resource.
Randi at I have to say... is hosting a cookies/bars recipe swap today. We made granola bars recently and posted the recipe, so that's where I'm steering her readers. See her swap list for other cookie recipes.

Thoughts (or confessions) on crafting with children:
I visit a few blogs by other crafty moms who seem to always be working on really creative, unique projects with their kids, or seem to have a well-thought-out philosophy on creating with kids and appear to be indefatigable when it comes to seeing it through. It's easy to start thinking they're superhuman and I'm less-than-human and then get all depressed about the amazing things I'm not teaching my kids. I recently read a blog entry where the author tried to dispel any myths about her lifestyle by admitting to dirt and disorder in her home. It was refreshing to read. I would love it if there was some day or week when all crafty-genius-bloggers had to post pics of their messes and describe in detail the things they let go around the house, the fights they have with their kids, etc. (assuming, of course, that everyone has these issues).
So, anyway, back to kids...I love the idea of growing creativity in the brains of my little ones. I love the idea of building a strong relationship by engaging with them on their level. I love the idea of teaching them valuable skills and concepts (of so many different natures) through playing and creating together. But, the reality in the day-to-day is that one of my primary motivations for playing/crafting with my kids is keeping my sanity and keeping them from killing each other. I am not alone in this, RIGHT?


  1. You sound pretty normal to me! :-)

    Been there, done that.

  2. Goodness, I would assume you were a crafting superstar compared to me. I have a hard time doing all of the crafting over here because my kids are like giant tornadoes and I am exhausted during the day :) I am more of a free thinker and really, really love, "The Creative Family" by Amanda Soule (from Soule Mama). See if you can get it, she has such an awesome and laid back style towards her crafting that I really responded to.

  3. If it helps you feel any better I sweep all our tinsel and glitter and paper and empty glue bottles and food scraps and pencils under the couch for a once a week clean on the weekend - disgraceful!!

  4. I was just feeling the same thing! It was so great to hear from you the same thoughts. I struggle to have my own blog because I want to be real and not fake people out that I am so perfect and so vintage and so crafty. I can't take pictures very well and I don't have an awesome camera but I do crafts, I am learning to sew better and I love to do crafty things with my kids. I really don't want anyone to think I am someone I am not. I'm glad you are being real.

  5. found your blog from the crafty crow. it's delightful! i agree about photos of "real" spots in our houses! I read some of these blogs and am BLOWN away - baking, sewing, crafting, writing, being pleasant AND having 3 kids?!?! It is hard not to compare. I always wish I could be a little fly on the wall - anyhow, could me in if you start a real house photo day -
