Thursday, October 16

The days television ruled my life

It doesn't happen that often. But every once in awhile I get so hooked on a tv or mini series that I completely lose sight of everything else in my life. I have managed to take care of my children, make spaghetti...hmm, that may be about it. All other waking time has recently been spent catching up on reruns of The Office.
I read an article in a newspaper once written by someone who'd been sucked into 24 reruns. Wouldn't sleep until he'd finished a season. The author of the article suspected this tv series addiction to be pretty widespread now that complete seasons of so many television shows are so easily accessible: dvd collections, video rental stores, iTunes, online viewing through network websites, Hulu, Netflix, etc.
We really don't watch but one show during a year on television, but darn it if he isn't right about reruns taking over your life. Has there been a show that caused you to forsake all else?


  1. We are SO completely addicted to the Office, too. I look forward to it all week, and crack up through every episode.
    Love your site!

  2. Roy and I are addicted to THE OFFICE! Just finished Season 4, in fact, last night... Such a great show. I laugh until I cry!

  3. 24 got me once. As did 4 straight seasons of Scrubs.
    Boxed sets are evil. But the good kind of evil I think.

  4. I never watched Sex & the City when it was on. I always kinda new what was going on just by catching it here or there or listening to friends, but 2 summers ago and I rented in all from Netflix. I was absolutely addicted. It totally ruled my tv!

  5. There are two shows that in the past have ruled my life: Alias and Rome.

    And, I still miss them. {{sniff, sniff}} ;D

  6. I never got in to 24 or the Office...although I have friends who are into them.

    My hubby and I are more sci fi...Heroes, Lost, the new Battlestar Galactica, & the new Dr. Who are what have gotten us. We have them all on iTunes.

    And with Heroes back on...I must say that DVRs are awesome! We can go about our lives and watch our shows at our convenience. If we are home, we actually will wait half an hour after it starts and then watch it on the DVR from the beginning so we can fast forward through the commercials!

  7. I adore The Office! I got hooked into Grey's reruns. We would watch 4 episodes at a time after the kids were in bed!

  8. I had to watch the first three seasons of LOST when I first moved out to CA so that I would be caught up when the fourth season started. Everybody out here was watching it and I needed to be able to join in on the conversations.

    And then, of course, there's Arrested Development. Enough said.

  9. "The finger that hits the button on the remote control is the last part of the body to fall asleep." Jerry Seinfeld

    I guess that gives away one of my addictions.....

  10. We love "The Office"!
    Jan is such a ding bat she is driving me crazy!
    Love your blog.

  11. I never watch tv, but you're right, tv dvd sets are majorly addicting!! I'm guilty of forsaking everything for The Office, Scrubs, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, Pushing Daisies, and let's not forget all those wonderful BBC and A&E tv adaptations released onto dvd!!!

  12. Frazier - I lose sleep over watching late night reruns of Frazier! Coincidentally, my husband and I just watched the first season of The Office last night because we'd never watched it and everyone always talks about it. We haven't laughed that hard in awhile. - or stayed up that late for that matter.

  13. This is the season when it really kicks in. We have a DVR now which only worsens my addiction! It is fully booked and I'll get caught up sometime I guess. The Office is one of the first ones I watch if we don't get to see it on Thurs.
    The Closer was the best over the summer and a great watch on DVD...that is the BEST!

    DVD collections...old school...I have all 10 seasons of FRIENDS! (and the final episode on it's own). The bloopers have saved my life many a day!

  14. Weeds! Each time I get a disc I have no willpower to watch one at a time. The DVR also tempts me to empty it from time to time.

  15. I got into trouble when I discovered that Netflix has the first two seasons of 30 Rock available to watch instantly. Then I figured out that I could watch this season on the NBC website. I have now seen EVERY SINGLE EPISODE of 30 Rock. I don't think I've ever done that with any other show.
