Monday, November 17

Good in the 'hood

Just some neighborhood silliness today. I know the picture at the top won't be featured on The Tonight Show or anything, but it still makes me giggle inwardly every time I drive by. Dozen egss, anyone?
The second picture is really not silly at all, but something I'm pleased with. Finally, the city of Chicago graces us with these color-coded large print No Parking signs. A small convenience but a worthy one. It's nice to be able to look at the sign from a distance and know what it says rather than inching up as close as possible in the car or getting out to read it. Giant M for Monday, TU for Tuesday, etc. Now, if we can keep up with our personal car locator system, we'll be set.


  1. Now, if they would just throw in a random apostrophe....

  2. I miss those "don't park here on Monday" signs - in Portland the street sweeper comes by at random, with no warning. This means that no cars have moved, and 2/3 of the street is not swept. Clever, huh? Add to that that Portlanders seem unaware of the real need to rake leaves in order to keep the sidewalks from becoming a soggy, slippery mass, and fall/winter can be a bit frustrating for those of us who want to leave the house.

  3. Wow.... it took me about four readings to catch that. I was stuck on, what, no eggs in the spanish list of words at the top? Sigh.
