Tuesday, November 11

My favorite molasses cookies

Alternately titled: Why I like taking pictures while my children are occupied.
I love molasses cookies. I have loved these particular molasses cookies as long as I can remember. My mom started making these for us from her Betty Crocker's New Dinner for Two Cookbook in the early 70s and we've been enjoying them as a family ever since.
I love trying out new cookie recipes and have previously tested a number of them in search of my favorite variety of chocolate chip or snickerdoodle or some other. But with molasses, I'm stuck. No matter how many other recipes I see claiming to be the best, I can never bring myself to make any but these. Truly. I agree there must be other fine recipes for molasses cookies out there and I would like to try them someday, but I think someone else will have to make them for me.
Find the recipe for yourself here.

Tips: You can substitute oil for the shortening and still have a wonderful cookie.
This is a simple to follow recipe and one that kids could easily help with. They'll particularly enjoy the rolling and dipping.
Also, if you want to hear one of my oddities: Almost every time I eat one of these cookies, I take a bite, squish it in my mouth and suck on it. I don't do this with any other cookie. I know, it's weird. But it's like some kind of molasses cookie nectar comes out and makes me love it even more.

P.S. I'm thinking of sharing a cookie a week up til Christmas. Anyone else like cookies??


  1. you know I love cookies! if you insist on posting a cookie a week, that means I'll have to make them...and then I'll have to insist that we have a cookie exchange or something...also want to note that I have never tied ribbons around a stack of cookies, but it makes them look very cute, even in mid-snatch!

  2. Jamie, I'll be there. But don't hold me accountable to bringing samples of everything I've made. You never know what might happen to them between now and then. Or maybe we should exchange weekly :-)

  3. Okay, my mouth is watering thinking of molasses cookie nectar.

    We dip our favorite molasses cookies in white chocolate, which then hardens into the most deliciously amazing white chocolate-molasses goodness imaginable. Mmmmm.

    Yes, more cookies please.

  4. My mouth is drooling already! Not fair! ;) I think I might have to make some molasses cookies soon.

  5. I've made this recipe on a couple of occasions since moving out here and it's been a big hit. Molasses cookies have always been one of my favorites because I like eating the dough as much as the final product.

  6. Melody, I've never tried molasses with white chocolate. Sounds rich!

    Amy, Yeah, I forgot to mention about the dough.

  7. I heart cookies too! Are these anything like gingersnaps? I love gingersnaps around Christmastime!

  8. Rebecca, Yes, much like gingersnaps. I usually think of gingersnaps as being crispier, though. And, of course, more gingery.

  9. We've never discussed the "nectar" thing (at least that I recall), but that's funny because it's one of the reasons I love these, too. Plus the yummy dough. Guess I should make some soon...for dad, of course. And I love those pictures!

  10. Those cookies look great!! Want to taste them.

  11. Oh those look soooo yummy.

  12. I've been searching for the perfect molasses cookie recipe for a couple of years to no avail. I'm excited to try this one! I can't wait to see if you share more cookie recipes!

  13. My sister-in-law always wants to have a giant cookie baking day for her birthday (Dec. 23). Now I have a great one to add...I'll keep an eye out for the weekly addition!

    They look so good...should I wait till almost Christmas??? :)

  14. Megan, I was thinking about how I need to try a molasses cookie recipe here in England (they call molasses "treacle," but it's essentially the same thing). I've been trying to figure out how to get ahold of one of my favorite recipes from home, as all of my cookbooks are in storage in Shanel's basement, but... ta da! Now I don't have to. I love how your blog has taken off, btw. You're doing such a fab job!

  15. Thanks, Stephanie! Good to hear from you. We missed seeing you when you were in the U.S. I hope your cookies turn out deliciously!

  16. I totally know what you mean about sucking the molasses nectar! I do the same thing when I make molasses cookies. But this is the recipe I use: http://emilyinthedesert.blogspot.com/2008/12/molasses-cookies.html
