Monday, April 6

Pancake sandwiches

Today we had pancake sandwiches, or towers, rather, for our snack. They were a hit.
I cooked a big pan of non-scrambled eggs (like an omelet, but just eggs), and some miniature multi-grain pancakes (some studded with crumbled, cooked sausage) last night. This morning, I gathered some other stackable goodies and sliced them or cut them into rounds with a biscuit cutter. Finally, I platterized the ingredients (cool, I like that word).
Our total list of stackable, spreadable components for today's snack included: pancakes (2 varieties), scrambled eggs, cheese, strawberries, baked sweet potato, pepperoni, cream cheese, and a few drops of syrup. We enjoyed several unique sandwich combos. And, yes, the kids did eat the veggie.

Here's a variation on this snack and a couple other kid-built treats we've tried in the past:
pancake cups
cracker stackers
stuffed crescents

Sometime, I'll have to do a series of pictures featuring tiny hands interrupting photo shoots. My collection is growing.


  1. Oh yum! That's such a fun idea!

  2. That's a good example of using "a spoonful of sugar"! The element of fun makes the healthful food so much more appealing (without all the actual sugar).

  3. That looks awesome! My kids would love creating their own "sandwiches". Thanks for the great idea!

  4. Fun! I might use that for a creative breakfast or dinner idea with the hubby.

  5. I love these! I will definitely have to try them ... maybe today!

  6. This is such a cute idea! I am going to try this for a fun playdate snack!

  7. So cute! My son is going to LOVE this! I've always liked keeping leftover pancakes in the freezer for future sandwich making. Usually I resort to nut butter and thin apple slices. You are an inspiration!

    I found you on kiddio ... what a treat!

  8. That's pretty much the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Nice work.

  9. Mmmmm...that looks so good! Another fantastic idea.

  10. This is such a perfect food for a toddler! I will have to try it for my son!

  11. What a perfect food for a toddler! I will have to make it for my son.

  12. Love it! I may just have to blog about this idea.

  13. Too fun! I feel a whole new era in our homeschool cooking lessons opening up! :)


  14. في ركن نجد نقدم خدمات شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض بأحدث الاجهزة الالكترونية و فنيين مدربين وذوي خبرة فيما يخص كافة اعمال اصلاح وعلاج التسربات اقوي من فنيين فلبينيين او اي جنسية اخري فقط تواصلوا معنا في ركن نجد لتحصلوا علي كافة خدمات كشف التسربات و ترميم المنزل بخدمات مميزة واسعار لا تقبل المنافسة لعمليات الاصلاح والترميم .
