See and Spell
This is a See and Spell toy. If you get the handle to spin the cylinder correctly (it does function as if it's a few decades old), pictures will appear in the lower windows and the corresponding words appear in the windows above. Originally, a little rod of flip-up tabs covered the words so you could try your hand at spelling then lift the tabs for the answers.
I'm always amused by items pictured on vintage children's toys that are so far removed from our present lifestyle: pipe, top hat, ax, and wooden barrel style wash tub, to name a few.
I love the colors and cute images, and my kids enjoy using it as a cash register. Payment forms accepted: bears, ducks, kites, irons, boots, boys....
Makes me miss the Speak and Spell.
Amy, That's funny-when I looked this up on ebay the items immediately following were "antique" Speak and Spells then Speak and Math, etc. Are we antique?
Number Stumpers...level 1...
Ack! I love this. Makes me all wanty. Its great.
Oh, cool!
I agree with Siew. I have lots of things but definitely not one of those. :(
I have one of those!! I found it on ebay and when I taught ESL the kids loved it.
Now I'm waiting for my little girl to be old enough to play with it instead of wanting to eat it.
Vintage toys make me happy inside.
Yes, yes, that's the feeling...all happy inside! That's why my decorating preference is old classroom, libraryish. And the frame gifts are terrific!
I am salivating. I LOVE tin lithograph toys and I've seen math toys like this, even a bingo one but never a spelling. The first grade teacher in me wants it BAD!
This is a great post tthanks
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