Thursday, March 20

Nature Sculpture

The kids and I just made these great little nature sculptures I found at The Artful Parent (she found them at Write, Mama, Write!) I love this project for it's many varied steps. First the outdoor exercise-hunting and gathering objects of nature while pushing a doll stroller around the block. Then the indoor exercises-organizing your nature objects, molding and imprinting the clay sculptures, baking them and (optionally) painting them. One of my children was more interested in making worms and mustaches with the clay than with sculpting it, but that didn't detract from the fun or the success of the project. In fact, it helped give the grown-ups time to roll the clay.
We bought our Sculpey modeling clay at Target, but you may be more likely to find it in an art/craft supply store. It's very easy to use. First, you soften it by kneading it a bit, then roll it in golf ball or larger-sized balls, press it on your found objects (to a little less than 1/2" thick), peel objects off, place imprinted clay on baking sheets and bake at 275 degrees for about 20 minutes to harden them (See directions on box, as well). We haven't painted ours yet, but that leaves us an activity we can pull out when we need something new to do.
Try it!


Anonymous said...

I saw these and am dying to try it. We're expecting 2-4" of snow tonight so I'm guessing it will be a while before we can go gathering plant material to press.

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They look lovely just being white and unpainted. I am going to buy some oven-bake sculpey and make this with my family. It's supposed to snow this week, so maybe that would be a perfect time to stay indoors to try out this project!! :)

Sally said...

I am in love with this idea! I really like the natural look. Thanks for sharing. I've posted a link from

Jess Farris said...

Hi there!

Jess here, from I wanted to let you know that I featured your project in our Link Love post on for our Summer Camp Week roundup to accompany the daily giveaways. You can see the post here:

Thanks for sharing! I love the project. You're such a creative designer!

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You could make your 'clay' out of SALT DOUGH - many veeeerryy easy recipes on the net, and a bit friendlier on the environment and your pocket! :)
Lovely project - and the idea of turning them into magnets is great!

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