Sunday, June 1

I still love strawberries

I'm so glad we were able to go strawberry-picking this year. Last year, we were in Texas about this time and they were experiencing pretty severe flooding. Didn't make for great picking conditions. This year was perfect. We were able to pick strawberries and blackberries at the same farm as a family before my husband flew back home. Picking in the morning then picnicking and playing at the park made for a great last day together.
As you can see from the pictures, we chose a great time to go as we pretty much had the patch to ourselves. When we got home I took an insane number of totally unnecessary pictures of our hard-earned fruit, then got down to business and made a couple pies (recipe here).
I still heartily recommend picking your own fruit. It's a lot of fun and the reward is delicious!
(Tip: If your t-shirt tends to ride up in back when you bend over, or your pants ride low, be sure to apply sunscreen to your exposed region!)


The Jerrolds Family said...

How fun! We have great fruit picking where we live too! It's so much fun to go with the kids! The pie looks awesome!

Grandma G said...

You sure made my mouth water with this post! YUM!!!

Nice to see you back posting again. Hope you continue to have a wonderful time!

Jessica said...

Your photos are making me very excited for strawberry season. Only three more week....
Your strawberry pie looks absolutely yummy as well!

Anonymous said...

I second the sunscreen recommendation. Never expected to get a sunburn THERE while putting in the garden... ha!