Tuesday, May 5

Spaghetti dogs

A friend sent me the link to this disgusting food art knowing full well that I'd be compelled to try it with my kids. And I did. And they loved it.
If you want to try it, just stick dry spaghetti noodles through hot dogs and boil. I thought about adding a sauce, but I think the kids would see that as detracting from the fun.


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moomer said...

What an incredible idea! I'm sure the kids loved it...although I think I'll pass on this one. :)

Amy said...

That is hilarious! Seriously. And I'm totally gonna find a reason to try it.

Susie C said...

Gross! And really fun! I bet you could put several hot dog pieces on the same set of noodles!
I liked this post because the picture led me into a kind of food forensics. "What happened here?"
Very funny!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

EEwwww!! My kids would love this but I don't think I can handle it -- it's a bit too tape worm-ish for me.

Annette said...

Oh my gosh, that's disgusting... and I just might have to make it for lunch tomorrow.

Lettie B. said...

Wow and gross!

theveryflowers said...

This post and its comments are amazing! Wow. This is one stomach-turning, fun idea!

Visty said...

I was horrified by that picture! Horrified!

homemayde said...

that is soooo nasty and it's given me the most exciting idea. my mom always made us mac 'n' cheese and hot dogs... so why not whip out a little kraft cheese powder and turn these nasty worms bright orange? yummmm

Grandma G said...

What a crazy, fun idea! Hilarious! I wonder how Grandpa would like having that for supper. ;-)

Jessica Jones said...

AWESOME. I knew you'd do it. How did they feel about eating it? Any qualms?

Kristin said...

yuck! my kids will love this, I need to buy some hot dogs.

Tracy Compaan said...

Love this! Makes you wonder about the person who first thought it up. Ha! I'm going to have to try this sometime.

katy said...


Celia said...

Never ever thought about this! lol... Fun, fun!

Joaninha said...

You made me laugh. I will do it for lunch with my kids. Thank you!

oneordinaryday said...

That is so weird. Wonder if my kids would love it too? :)

randi said...

Yuck! My kids would certainly love this! :)

Amii said...

HaHaHa! That was so hilarious! I think my little boy would look at me and say "you're weird, mom" if I served that to him!

JMom said...

That looks absolutely horrible. My kids will LOVE it. Thanks for sharing!

Megan said...

Wow, these comments crack me up. I had the exact same reaction when I saw this--That is so gross! I have to try it!
Jess, no qualms whatsoever. Thanks for the tip.

Catherine Anne said...

I dont know why but I LOVE this! Great post my kids will love it.-

Scribbit said...

That is terrific--going to try it tonight.

likeschocolate said...

I am sure the kids loved it, but Yuck!

nikki said...

- oh my - that image is stuck in my mind! Surely Creative, just not sure if I could eat that....

Tegan | Celebrate Twelve13 said...

OMG, my 3 month old won't appreciate that... but I'm certain my hotdog-loving hubby will!

Mama King said...

That is so wrong it's right. Thanks, the girls are going to love this.

abigail grace said...

eeewwww! But it does get me thinking...I might try this but change the hot dogs to pre cooked meat balls. I don't think my stomach can take the hot dogs N' noodles! Thanks for the gross visuals :0)

Annie said...

Wow! That is so disgusting and yet really cool at the same time! Ha! Great idea!

Megan said...

Jen, Great idea about the meatballs! Certainly more work intensive, but if you're going to be making spaghetti and meatballs,anyway...I may have to try that, as well! It actually reminds me of some bizarre creative thinking exercise someone had us do in H.S. one time that involved all the different ways you could serve spaghetti. Hmm.

Sara said...

Crazy! I'm going to have to try this for my kids - they would love it!

Amanda @ Mommy's Idea Book said...

My kids will think this is the greatest thing in the world. I think I'll just serve these without telling anybody what I'm doing, just to see all their responses.

Sharna said...

Just brilliant!!!

Raquel said...

Your blog is simply spectacular as good as bad are my english... excuse me my comentary is so simple probably in spanisk was better... I am cooking now your spaguetti thanks in advance.
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styledarling said...

HAHAHA How AWESOME!! My little guy will LOVE this!! I am dong this this afternoon!! THANKS!!

suburban farm said...

I have to try this. It looks so cool in the photos.

ShareandRemember said...

I tried this today for my day care kids. Fun!

Louisville Mom said...

I am repulsed and compelled at the same time. Kinda of "yuck" "cool" thing. So of course I'll have to try it.

Beth- the mama bee said...

yep, I'm wowed and grossed at the same time. I'm doing it tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I made these last night after a friend share the link to your blog! they were easy and fun!

Raquel said...

Here I am again... If yo want to i leave the direction of the entry in my blog in which I present your idea, It has been very entertained to prepare them. With permission I have added your blog to my list of favorites. A greeting and I´ll continue to vist your kitchen.

Raquel said...

Oh oh the URL

Stacy said...

My first thought was...How in the world did they do that???" Great idea! I'm gonna have to try it!

Bran said...

hahahahaha! That is crazy and so funny and my kids would LOVE it!

styledarling said...

Tried it, blogged it and linked you. :D http://lyndsxo-glamourmoms.blogspot.com/2009/05/spaghetti-dogs.html

Thanks again so much for sharing. We had SO much fun with this today..and every last bit of lunch actually disappeared from my picky pre-schoolers plate. :O

Sam said...


Run DMT said...

I would love to try this with my kids but they hate anything new and out of routine.

I may give it a shot just to see what they think.

Anna Marie said...

Something about them after they are cooked completely disgusts me! Which is a factor that kids love! Crazy (and I guess kinda cool) idea :P

Lesley said...

I posted about it here:



Anonymous said...

Um, AWESOME! I will be making this for my siblings && the kids I babysit for!

kim said...

made these twice already! :)

Patricia L said...

My kids would think these are so cool. I'll have to try it. (They would make a good Halloween Dinner)

Janice said...

So gross, but I'm so dying to try it too! Love your blog- I'm a new reader and I'm enjoying every minute of exploring & reading your posts. Thanks for the great ideas! Come by my blog to pick up an award I have for you!

patricia zapata said...

Ditto on the gross but wow. My kids would probably think it's awesome.

DJ said...

I can't wait to try this. It could be made to look like an octopus.

Jennifer Suarez said...

Very cool idea!!

To those that think using hot dogs is gross, a better spin might be to try it was partialy cooked sausage links. Sausage is GREAT with spaghetti!!

Maddy said...

Great fun! My budding chef is just going to love that one.

Cynthia said...

That's a great picture! My kids would definitely like this...very cool.

LunaMoonbeam said...

first response (yes, out loud) (I'm sitting next to my two year old): "Crazy!!! I could make that for you!"

Guess I'm the crazy one. ;-) Thanks for sharing!

Carrie said...

That is AWESOME!!! When my kids are old enough to enjoy it, I'm totally making those with them!!! :)

Melissa said...

Cool idea! Glad you shared. My son will get a kick out of this!

terri said...

Oh my gosh..I love your blog and these hot dogs are hilarious. I'm definitely doing this with my kids. Terri

Alison Kelley said...

OMG this is fabulous! I can't wait to try it out for my kids. I found your blog through Scribbit, I'd love to share this on my blog too, I promise I'll direct them back to your great blog! Thanks again!

Wanita said...

I made spaghetti dogs for my 4- and 5-year-old grandkids, and they loved it. Thanks for the great idea!

Amber D. said...

These are SO fun... we are going to make it for lunch on Thursday!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

I love it. Am going to make it for my grandson the next time he visits. I'm sure he'll think it's the coolest thing ever.

Renee said...

Megan, Thanks for this—it's a home run! My nephews are gonna go bonkers over this. Food art for kids: way to go!

TrendyBrandyKids said...

wow! Thank you so for this excellent idea! yummmmmmmm

Myrnie said...

I've made it three times for my daughter (and her friends.) She LOVES them!! We call them Jelly-Dogs (you know, like jellyfish...)

Thanks for a great idea!

Karen said...

My kids are going to LOVE this, although I don't think I'll actually try it myself. Guess what's for dinner tonight? :)

Lisa @ Crazy Adventures in Parenting said...

I'm such an idiot. I saw the first picture and thought.. how the heck did she do that? LOL Duh, before they're cooked!! lol

It's AWESOME! Can't wait to try it!!!

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

No way! that is so cool..my girls will love this tomorrow..haha

Som's Studio said...

Wow! I had no idea that a thing like this could exist. haha.

Unknown said...

Thank you. I had seen this a couple of weeks ago, but lost the link. :D


Niki Jolene said...

Wow, that is awesome! That would freak my family out for sure.


TopChamp said...

that has to be the weirdest food i have seen possibly EVER. Think perhaps I'm 20 yrs too old for this!

Anonymous said...

That is the weirdest thing I've ever seen!....

... and I am SO trying it with my kids this weekend!

Eeeww. lol!

Lenetta said...

I wanted to let you know that I linked to this post on my weekly roundup. Thanks!

Paladares da Isa said...

Magnific idea!!
My kids will love it

Valéria said...

Moro no Brasil e amei essa ideia!!

Sewing-Chick said...

OMG, that is too funny! My son isn't old enough for solids, but you can bet that when he is, I will totally be making this :)

Adri said...

i did it today!

Paladares da Isa said...

I made it for my kids and they loved it!!
I posted in my blog and it is a sucess in Portugal.

Anonymous said...

Made these yesterday for the kids for lunch! They loved them! Had them again for dinner and again today for lunch! Thanks!

Marita said...

What a brilliant idea. Two foods my children love combined. I'm going to make this for dinner and also pass the idea on to other parents.

Love your blog too, some really fabulous ideas. Thank you.

Marita said...

Talking to a mum at swimming about these this morning.

We decided to make the Spaghetti Dogs into Octupus, serve with seaweed (spinach) and some boulders (balls of mashed potato, dipped in egg wash and breadcrumbs and fried).

End result - http://picasaweb.google.com.au/lh/photo/f9HOIf8lF1MAHXkYSMt9fQ?feat=directlink

Thanks again for the great idea. My girls loved them. :)

BabyBloozeLiz said...

This idea prompted me to go buy hotdogs and do this!! The kids (3 & 1) LOVE it -- will be a family favorite for years, I'm sure. Thank you!!

Alisa said...

we made it- the kids loved it- I am blogging about it tonight!

A Little Diddy said...

This is fantastic! Cant wait to try it.

Anonymous said...

LOL ... gross and funny!
We will have to try it!

Single PAP said...

i love that!!! will try when i get a kid!

Anonymous said...

this is one of the best ideas I have seen in a while! I am so gonna try this for my kids!

oh hey I have a web site for moms would love for you to check it out!
Oh and I have a blog too but never really know what to put in it. But would love to have ya check it out too. Maybe if more people come It will be incentive to post ...lol

Unknown said...

hahaha! I don't have kids but I have a feeling my hubby would get a kick out of this... :)

pomly said...

OH MY GOSH this is the funniest food idea ever! I can't wait to serve this to the children!

learninglaughter said...

I bet this would be good with chili! Yum!! Around here, we have several restaurants that put spaghetti with chili, so why not add the other perennial excuse for chili...Hot dogs!

PaaKeng said...

I pop by from ice cream sandwich. But this piece got me. Awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Did you really try them? Are you sure the noodle inside the hot dog piece is cooked and eatable? I'd like to make sure before trying... :)

Unknown said...

this is soo soo wrong but soo damn brilliant - I can't wait to give it a go & I know my son is gonna love it (it will also blow his mind, when he tries to work it out!)
well done you!

Plum Blossom Lane said...

This is so cool! Wish I would have known this technique when my kids were young.

Mama Ruck said...

Disturbing and yet I think I will do it with my son!

Angie - treasuresfortots@gmail.com said...

Thanks for the idea! I tried it and the kids loved it! Not only did I tell everyone, I created a post on my blog about it too!

Thanks again!

BasilBrush said...

I know My Grand kids will love Grandma making these for dinner next time I visit...I feel a holiday on the way.Is so darn cute.

Mercia Silqueira said...

Hi! I really liked this idea!! Today I cooked eat to a frinds daughter. She loved it!! Thank you for sharing with us!!

Wendy said...

My kids (and husband) are going to love this!!! Add cheese in after you cook it, and you've got my daughter's three favorite foods together (I'm sorry to say!)

Michelle said...

OMosh I think this is the cutest idea. I totally want to do it for the littles i think they will love it! I love your cute ideas and gorgeous blog.

Anonymous said...



Cicada said...

This is pretty disgusting. I love it! I am thinking that it would be great for Halloween using black spaghetti. (I buy it at Target year round.)

RobbieLee at Chickiedee said...

This is a fantastic idea! What kid wouldn't want to eat that?!

Samantha2818 said...

This is such a great idea - I just made it for my daughter and her friend and we topped it with parmesan - I had two clean plates! I'm going to make a huge bowl of it for Halloween and put a couple of plastic spiders on the top! Thanks for the idea x

Rebecca Del Pozo said...

I love it! I will have to give it a try.

Maman de Lilidouce said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Frédélili said...

i'am french, sorry for my bad english: i love your idea and I did it for my husband today and said: "my new sewing mashing can do thigs, you have no idea" - so funny :)

Best Craft Blog: Floralshowers said...

I featured this idea on my craft site today! you can check it out at


ha ha. Thanks for the awesome idea! I love it!!!


~cathi said...

Thank you SO MUCH for posting this! It's making the rounds at Facebook.

I'm going to try to construct a horse with carrot sticks for legs and a flowing mane. My daughter is going to fall over.

Curra said...

What an incredible idea¡¡¡¡.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that would make this ghastly dish "better" is some of that green ketchup.

Anonymous said...

I think the spaghetti would be gruesomely cool in a hotdog octopus. Throw on some disgusting look sauce and its a perfect kid lunch. ;)

Mackenzie said...

I like the idea... I just think some people on here are freaking out over hot dogs with some extra noodle-y appendages. Seriously, it's not guts and gore; its hot dogs and macaroni, without the cheese and with longer noodles. Still quite good.

Wendy said...

This is flippin' great! Guess what we're having for supper? :)

Kristy said...

That's a ripper LOL

Heart of Rachel said...

I love this idea! It's perfect for my son's upcoming birthday party. Thanks for sharing.

TK said...

it's look like funny but taste good and i love it, Thank for idea.

Owen said...

Did you take the photos? They've been reposted in a different form to Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/c7hkg/spaghetti_and_frankfurters/

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ColourLab said...

OMG!!! They are so funny!!! I will definetely try this...it would be a gourmet dish!!!Hahaha!!!Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

Unknown said...

I'm thinking ITALIAN SAUSAGE might just turn this into a real dinner delight! I have two little boys to freak out! :)

Unknown said...

I'm thinking ITALIAN SAUSAGE might just turn this into a real dinner delight! I have two little boys to freak out! :)

EvaBabeDesigns said...

I'm sure my daughter will love this since dogs & noodles are her favorites!

Romantic Gifts said...

I love it! The funniest thing was I couldn't figure out how it was done until I scrolled down and saw the uncooked spaghetti pushed through the wieners. I think it great and unique. The kids will absolutely love this one. Thanks for the creativity!

Shadow said...

I'm 35 years old and I want to try this! I admit I spent a few moments trying to figure out how and why someone would stick cooked noodles into hot dogs. Then I scrolled down lol.

Grandma G said...

Megan, I finally did this with Courtney yesterday. We had great fun... thanks for the idea!

Best SLR Digital Camera said...

This is one of the coolest and original ideas I've seen in a long time. So much fun and I think my kids are going to LOVE eating this! Thanks!

Life With Little Socks said...

I love the idea! I tried it for my son's 3rd birthday. The kids and parents LOVE it!! check out, http://lifewithlittlesocks.blogspot.com/

Thanks again!!

Nikki said...

I love it! I just made this and linked you in my blog where i posted about it =]


ritinha said...

http://www.flickr.com/photos/ritinhaeu/4050390593/in/photostream :)

Sheedia | InspirU CooCoo said...

Gross looking things can sometimes be fun. Don't think I'll do it for myself but great idea!

Andrea Cruice said...

I've made it and I LOVED it...my 8 year old, not so much!

Anonymous said...

Ew that is so gross! And the comment about adding powdered cheese? Way to make this preservative and nitrate filled dinner even more unhealthy! Bleck!

Recipe Wrangler said...

My kids call them "dog-ta-pus'" Like octopus'. They just dip them in ketchup and mustard. We have also done the same thing with meatballs. Just thread the noodle through, boil, drain, add sauce and parmesan cheese.

Annie F said...

cool...do u think it can works at meatballs too??

Sharon H said...

I wonder how non-gluten pasta would work? I use quinoa or corn or brown rice pasta..... Hmmm.

mortgagecalculator1 said...

Never ever thought about this! lol... Fun, fun!

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That looks indeed a little disgusting but it seems like a great idea for a kids birthday party.

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Anonymous said...

I think its brilliant. I actually don't think it's gross looking, but then again I was a preschool teacher... lol to me it just looks like a fun activity for kids to experiment with AND it's simple enough for them to eat and actually like. PERFECT! No sauce needed :)

syl said...

I was visualizing you sewing each strand of cooked spaghetti through the hot dog though I knew that couldn't possibly be it. Curiosity won out and I HAD to see how it was done.

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Ashley | A Story Unravels said...

I think a lot of people commenting here are experiencing trypophobia, which is a feeling of extreme discomfort toward anything with holes or things poking through holes! It's very common. Clusters of holes give me the heebie geebies. If these freak you out I DON'T recommend doing a Google image search with that word but that's why a lot of people are probably grossed out. It doesn't have anything to do with finding it gross like gore, it's just a visual discomfort. Thought I'd clear that up since I felt the same way when I first saw these and couldn't figure out why they eeked me out so much!

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safemeds said...

first time I see this ever!! and it is a very incredibly original idea, very creative, the most creative recipe that I have ever seen seriously! and I will definitely try it, it looks yummy

Anonymous said...

Working in the E.R. I have seen plenty of kids that have choked on hot dogs. If you feed your children hot dogs, please dice them. Last year, a eight year old girl choked to death on a hot dog.

joshuart said...

Looks to much like n infestation of heartworms

lilmommadolson11 said...

So my family is all about the outdoors and always use hotdogs for fishing when they go noodling. HMMMMMM! great idea for our family reunion coming up. I will make noodled hotdogs. It was pretty odd looking at the picture but I love the idea.

Debra Kapellakis said...

Looks gross to me but I bet my kids will love it. Thank you for sharing this "kooky" idea!

Unknown said...

Great share... Very interesting. Thanks a lot for the share. I like your blog.


Jackie said...

I can't get over all the "gross" and "horrible" comments. Geez ppl it's spaghetti! Grow up. I thought it was cool, fun and I'm going to do it even if I am 56 years old!! Love it! Thanks for the post!

Anonymous said...

This is great tried it and they all loved it little girls included

Anonymous said...

I have found Halloween dinner! Thanks!

melnda gail said...

My cousin uses butter parm.

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brendabeebop said...

I have a grandson who is fascinated with electricity and when I saw them, I thought they looked like plugs and wires. He'll love them if I tell him they're electrical wires. I had to make his birthday cake look like a huge wall socket with a plug in it. The plug was a big fat frosted sugar cookie with a licorace cord hanging out of it.

Anonymous said...

This is great!!! I am definitely going to make this next time the Grandson is here with us! Him and Papa will get a kick out of it!!
Thanks for sharing...
Charlotte from AZ

Anonymous said...

What is this supposed to be exactly?

Rob O'Donnell said...

GROSS! I'm doing it....

JCornett said...

I think this idea is amazing, my little boy is gonna go nuts about this...I cant believe that I am just now finding it...lol...I'm wondering what my husband will say when he gets home and see's what we are having for dinner?!?!?!?!!

Unknown said...

If you want to try it, just stick dry spaghetti noodles through hot dogs and boil. I thought about adding a sauce, but I think the kids would see that as detracting from the fun. wheatgrass juice

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Anonymous said...

Cute idea but..boiling spaghetti for 6-8 min. yes, but never wieners for that long.

Unknown said...

I made this tonight and my kids LOVED it. I used whole wheat noodles and tossed em in some butter for a little flavor.

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